
What to serve with risotto

Peel the squash and separate the bulbous seed-bearing section from the slender end. Chop the slender end into 2cm cubes, toss in half the oil, season lightly and roast in the oven, stirring occasionally, until golden brown on the outside and what to serve with risotto in the centre, about 30 mins. While the squash is roasting, warm a medium-size frying pan over a gentle heat.

Add the remaining olive oil and half the butter, followed by the onion. Cover and cook for 3 mins until the onion turns translucent. Cover again and cook for a further 2 mins. Increase the heat slightly and stir in the rice. Turn up the heat, stir in the wine and let it bubble away to almost nothing.

Reduce the heat and start adding the stock. Add one ladle at a time, stirring gently but constantly during each addition. The idea is to encourage the rice to absorb the liquid and soften, but also give up its starch to thicken the remaining broth. Don’t stir too aggressively or you will end up with a pan of mush.

Turn off the heat, dot the top of the risotto with remaining butter and most of the Parmesan, cover, leave to rest for 2 mins, then stir through and check the seasoning. Spoon the risotto into shallow bowls and sprinkle the roasted squash and leftover Parmesan on top. GARLIC Warm 2 tbsp light olive oil in a frying pan with lid, set over a medium heat and add 25g of finely sliced shallot and 1 finely sliced garlic clove. Stir and cook for 1 min until golden. Increase the heat and add 200g washed young leaf spinach. This website is published by Immediate Media Company Limited under licence from BBC Studios Distribution. Melt the butter and olive oil in a high-sided, non-stick frying pan.

Add the onion and a large pinch of salt, then cook, stirring, for 5 mins until softened and fragrant but not colouring. Tip in the rice and coat in the oil and butter, cooking for a few mins until beginning to toast. Pour in the wine and cook, stirring, until it’s absorbed. Add the Parmesan and stir until melted. Turn off the heat and stir in the egg yolk. Season and serve with a peppery rocket salad, if you like.

This website is published by Immediate Media Company Limited under licence from BBC Studios Distribution. A piece of tiramisu on a blue plate with a fork. Midwest Charcuterie board on a gray countertop. Jars of red pepper jelly on a tray. 4 glass containers filled with meal prep foods like veggies, rice, chicken, and salmon. Turkey meatballs in a white serving bowl. A chipotle burrito bowl in a white bowl.

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