
Turning fridge on and off

Enter turning fridge on and off characters you see below Sorry, we just need to make sure you’re not a robot. Enter the characters you see below Sorry, we just need to make sure you’re not a robot. This article is about when the washing machine drum does not revolve on any part of the cycle.

It won’t spin, but the drum won’t turn on the wash or rinse either. Also if the washing machine drum is turning but appears to struggle to turn, and maybe makes strange noises whilst struggling, then this article may also be of help. The drum doesn’t turn at all Open the door and turn the drum by hand. If by any chance the drum is very stiff or has seized up, this is the problem.

Either an obstruction has jammed the drum, or the drum bearings or motor have seized up. Take off the drive belt to find out which one it is. The best person to test this is the one that usually empties the drum at the end of a wash cycle. They are used to the resistance on the drum as they turn it to check for items of clothing stuck to the drum.

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