
Thin pork chop recipes

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A great pork chop marinade that will make your pork extra juicy with a terrific savoury flavour and a gorgeous caramelised crust without overpowering the natural flavour of pork. Even 1 hour of marinating makes a remarkable difference! Just a great pork chop marinade You know when something hits the pan and it smells so great than even if it’s the first time you’ve made that recipe, you know it’s going to be a winner? Plus, the added bonus is that there is a very good chance that all the ingredients are already in your pantry. I never spell that right first go! I hear some of you think, dubiously.

I spell it, auto correct does not like that word! If you’ve never tried a soy sauce based brine for a protein before, I think you’re going to be very pleasantly surprised. I press down on the pork chop to show how juicy it is. That’s courtesy of the soy sauce! I’m sharing this Pork Chop Marinade because I got all excited that I finally got a new BBQ.

Living by the ocean means that anything that resides outdoors has a limited life and my current BBQ looks like an abandoned burnt out car. While it’s terrific seared on the grill, it is of course great pan fried as well which is how I usually make it. If you’re BBQ-ing, try it this Lemon Potato Salad and a garden salad with French Dressing, and have a browse for more Grilling Ideas. My favourite back-pocket marinades These are the ones I use over and over again, made with pantry staples with lots of sub options!

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