
Texas brisket injection recipe

Brisket is the holy grail texas brisket injection recipe BBQ, and getting it right is a huge notch in your pitmaster belt. Brisket is a muscular, tough cut of meat, so low and slow is the way to go. If you have the opportunity to examine the meat closely, you want to look for good marbling. Meat is rated on a standard system so consumers know the quality they are buying up front.

The grades of beef are based on the degree of marbling and the maturity of the animal. The grades in order from lowest to highest are select, choice, and prime. There are some lesser grades out there but these three are the most universally recognized in grocery stores and butcher shops. Eliminate any unattractive edge meat that could make the finished product look less attractive. Much of this comes down to personal preference. Expect to trim about two pounds away from your brisket before cooking. Here’s a step-by-step look at trimming brisket.

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