
Potato leaf soup

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This German potato soup recipe is loaded with healthy veggies, savory bacon, and is absolutely JAM-PACKED with FLAVOR! And that flavor is ever better the next day so be sure to double recipe for leftovers! One of my all-time favorite brothy soups is a classic German potato soup. I grew up in Stuttgart, Germany cooking with my Bavarian mother on a regular basis.

She would give me age-appropriate tasks from the time I was three or four years old and once I was a teenager I started exploring recipes on my own and preparing meals without supervision. I remember two of the very first dishes I made by myself was a Winter vegetable cobbler and a brothy German potato soup. I can still remember the aroma that filled our family kitchen from the bacon, caramelized onions and leek as the soup simmered, announcing the promise of a delicious meal ahead. I received glowing reviews from my Oma and Opa when my mom suggested I make that same soup for them at our next visit.

They loved it and my confidence was bolstered. From there I continued falling deeper and deeper in love with cooking. Key Ingredients in a Great German Potato Soup This soup features several key ingredients that combine to make a characteristic German-flavored soup. You’ll find Suppengrün called for in many German soup recipes and to omit any of them does the flavor of the soup a major injustice.

Aside from the Suppengrün, bacon plays a major role. Enjoying a bowl of this classic German potato soup without bacon is almost unthinkable! In combination with the vegetables it is the perfect marriage of flavors. Lastly, quality chicken broth is a must. After tasting it I was already sold, but after the opportunity my husband and I had of touring Aneto’s factory in Barcelona, Spain, I was convinced beyond doubt. READ ABOUT OUR EXPERIENCE AT ANETO’S FACTORY IN SPAIN.

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