
Lime pickle

Pickle Pie with a flaky crust and smokey flavour is the perfect take on the classic American cheeseburger. Pickle Pie recipe features a creamy filling with yummy ingredients like dill pickles, minced beef, cheddar cheese, fried onions and liquid lime pickle. We love serving this savoury meat pie at summer potlucks, family barbecues or birthdays.

There are two kinds of American Pickle Pie. You can make sweet or savoury pie recipes that showcase the sour and crunchy fermented cucumbers we all love. The most famous Pickle Pie recipe was developed in the kitchen of a vintage motel restaurant in Bicknell, a tiny town in Utah. Since the 1960s, road trippers driving along route 24 in south-central Utah would stop at the Sunglow Restaurant and Motel to fork through weird and wonderful slices of pie. Sunglow Restaurant still serves their famous pies, including classics likes apple and blueberry.

The menu also features outside-of-the-box creations such as avocado lime, pinto bean and pickle pie. Cula Ekker’s Utah Pickle Pie is described as tasting like a traditional mince pie. But as you continue chewing, the spiced overtones transform into a unique tanginess. The pie filling is made of ground sweet pickles, eggs, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, cream, margarine and lemon extract. It’s baked in a flaky pie crust and served topped with a dollop of whipped cream. Our recipe is a creative take on the Cheeseburger Pie.

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