
Jungle juice recipe

Jump to navigation Jump to search Jungle juice is the name given to an improvised mix of liquor that is usually served for group consumption. 1909 in both the city of Fort Collins, Colorado and the town jungle juice recipe Fort Gibson, Oklahoma.

Jungle juice is too fierce for him. The term appeared in Fort Collins newspapers several times over the next two decades. Other uses of the term for bootlegged or homemade alcoholic drinks appeared in U. Australian newspapers used the term before the war to refer to home-brewed auto fuel additives. The term gained more widespread use during the war, first among Australian and American troops in New Guinea beginning in late 1942 and early 1943.

Some newspaper articles described how it was made and what effect it had on those who drank it. Recipe for famed jungle juice cocktail: Break open top of a cocoanut, add sugar and raisins, replace top, set in sun three weeks and hold on to your hat. The subject of liquor on this island is very low. I have not had any but from the reports two smells of the cork and you pass out. Some of the boys make their own brew, commonly known as Jungle juice.

Let it stand for three days until even the flies shun it, then it is declared okay. I tried it once but never again and I thought I could drink. The term had also been applied to a specific treatment for war neurosis being practiced during the Second World War. The term has also been used as a brand name for mosquito repellents. The New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English: J-Z By Eric Partridge p. The Old Fossil and the Pesky Reporter”. Hoboes Help Interdicted Man to Drink”.

War New Writer Lists Month’s Best”. Kevin Gray is a Dallas freelance writer specializing in food, drinks and travel. He’s been covering spirits and cocktails since 2009. Whether frozen or on the rocks, rum cocktails are often synonymous with vacation. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the 10 best and most popular rum cocktail recipes.

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