
How to make oat milk

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She graduated from the University of Houston where she majored in Classical Studies and minored in Painting. This article has been viewed 267,699 times. Most ice cream is made with lots of heavy cream and eggs. It tastes delicious but it’s not very health-conscious. Using milk can be a tasty and healthier alternative to traditional cream.

For something a little richer, try an ice cream made with sweetened condensed milk. If you prefer vegan options, you can even make ice cream with coconut milk. Combine milk, sugar, and vanilla in a medium bowl. Measure out each ingredient and add it to a medium-sized bowl. Use a large spoon to stir the ingredients together.

Continue stirring until all of the sugar has dissolved. You can also experiment with chocolate milk to create chocolate ice cream. Add the mixture to an ice cream maker. If you have an ice cream making machine, pour the mixture into it. Turn it on and process the mixture for about 20 minutes until the mixture has significantly thickened. Pour the mixture in an airtight Tupperware container and put it in your freezer. Pour it in a shallow dish if you don’t have an ice cream maker.

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