
How to cook chicken

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How is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 12 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 101,192 times. Want to make something nice, but not too difficult?

You can use your George Foreman Rotisserie and roast yourself some truly tasty chicken. Wash the chicken, thoroughly, both inside and out. Dry the chicken with paper towels. Rub some olive oil onto the chicken. Tie the legs and the wings snug to the chicken using cooking twine.

The amounts are approximate, depending on your taste and the size of your chicken. Put the chicken on a plate and wrap up with plastic wrap. Refrigerate for 4 to 24 hours. Put the prong on the rotisserie spit and tighten it down. Then push the chicken onto it. Put the chicken on the rotisserie bar.

Be sure that it is completely cooked. 71ºC and there is no more pink. Is there a way to make it sooner, or do I have to refrigerate it for as long as stated in the recipe? You don’t have to wait, but the longer you let the chicken marinate, the better it will taste. What else can I cook in this rotisserie?

Anything that your rotisserie can hold. The grill should have a basket, a spit, and two sizes of forks, allowing you plenty of cooking methods. In the basket, you can cook various vegetables. Are chicken breasts cooked in the same way? If you cook them even a few minutes too long, they will be too dry.

Can I use vegetable oil instead of olive oil? Yes, vegetable oil is an acceptable substitute for olive oil in this recipe. Should the chicken breast be facing down or up, and what temperature should it be cooked at? The chicken breast should face down and then flipped.

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