
How many graham crackers in a cup

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M3 9a8 8 0 1 1 3. 3A6 6 0 1 0 5 9l3. I have a recipe that calls for one cup of graham cracker crumbs. How many crackers am I going to need to crush? I’m having trouble finding an answer partly because different people consider a “cracker” to be of various sizes. It would also be helpful to know what a cup of graham cracker crumbs weighs.

My box of crackers is 14. I could estimate what portion of the box to use if I know how much a cup of crumbs weighs. Perhaps the most useful advice long-term would be to look for recipes which use weight rather than volume. It should be about 7 crackers per cup, maybe 8, depending how finely you crush them. One of the inner packages from your 14.

8 cup per cracker, or more simply, 0. I know this from making graham cracker crusts – and you can confirm it by looking at some recipes. 5 cups of crumbs for a pie crust, and it takes 10-12 crackers. I don’t think I’ve ever used fewer than 10. 3 of that, 7 or 8 crackers.

Some people do say 20 or 24 squares, but they’re clearly half-cracker squares, not the whole crackers. 3 of your box, maybe a cracker short, so by weight this works out too. I don’t care that this thread is old, I was looking for this answer and this was one of the top three Google results. Those 8 sheets netted approximately 4. 9 oz of crumb according to my scale. Revised by Chef_Code Answers may vary depending on crumb size of the graham crackers as well as if you pack down the cup, because of the possibility of these variables weight to volume as well as volume to weight conversion results may vary.

Chef_Code I don’t think an edit like that is appropriate in a non-wiki answer. It also doesn’t seem to be particularly useful information. The original poster was just looking for an estimate of number crackers that need to be crushed, not a precise amount, so it doesn’t need be pointed out this answer can only be an approximation. That said, it could have been added as a comment rather than as part of the edit.

Cindy There’s a ton of good and relevant information for novices that could be added to every post on this site. In the context of answering this question the edit doesn’t improve the post. And why does only this answer get singled out? If it’s useful and appropriate for this post, it should should also be useful and appropriate for all of them.

8 ounces of 27 graham crackers or 1 pack of this brand. I did a little bit of a back calculation using this recipe. 190 gms is equivalent to 1. 5 cups, so 1 cup should have 127gms which is equivalent to 4. 48 ounces and almost close to a pack of 4. Graham crackers are definitely smaller than they used to be when I was growing up. For my recipe, I used Honey Maid from the 14.

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