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Many of you have been wondering why Rick Simpson hasn’t been present in the public arena for the past few years. We have decided to inform the public that, in May 2018, Rick suffered a stroke and has since been in the process of recovery. Being a very private person, neither Rick nor his family wanted to make this information public earlier so that he could be fully focused on his recovery. It is needless to say that a stroke and its aftermath often prove to be an extreme challenge for the person who suffered from it as well as their immediate family. Since Rick’s stroke, his sole caregiver was and still is his wife Danijela, with whom he had for the last seven years been diligently working on educating people about the benefits of medicinal cannabis through lectures, interviews and consultations worldwide, while holding a base in Europe. Rick has come a long way in the last two and a half years but despite all human efforts to meet and keep up with all of Rick’s medical needs, Rick and Danijela are now facing immense financial challenges.

Therefore, we are organising a fundraising campaign to help cover Rick’s medical expenses, those incurred during the last two and a half years and those which are still on the horizon. Rick Simpson Oil, which a great number of people around the world are using to either cure or help regulate many different health conditions, and after writing two books on the subject, giving countless interviews and lectures, Rick is now in need of some kindness from all of you who are willing and able to help. You can support Rick Simpson by buying one of his books or by making a donation! The only two websites Rick Simpson is affiliated with are: phoenixtears. We do not sell RSO cannabis oil, we only provide information on its benefits and the method how to make your own.

There are many suppliers around the world who say that they are producing RSO, and who are using Rick’s name. Rick Simpson has no connection with these suppliers and he has no involvement with the Phoenix Tears Foundation from the U. After learning the truth about the amazing healing abilities of cannabis oil which he produced himself, Rick Simpson made this knowledge public. 2004 and made the information people need to heal themselves free for all to use at no cost.

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