
Healthy turkey burgers

These prawn and salmon burgers are not only fabulously tasty, they’re healthy too, being rich in omega-3. Pack four of your healthy turkey burgers-a-day into these tasty veggie burgers with barbecued halloumi.

These veggie burgers taste delicious hot or cold. A star rating of 5 out of 5. These storecupboard chipotle patties are not only thrifty, they count as four of your 5-a-day allowance of fruit and vegetables. Make vegan burgers with polenta and spice with cumin, chilli and coriander. Turkey burgers are much leaner than hamburgers, but they can be dry and dull.

Moisten them by adding ketchup and a bit of grated onion to the ground turkey — or mayonnaise and a bit of mustard. The idea is to emphasize condiments, and keep the turkey moist. Place in a bowl with the ground turkey, Worcestershire sauce, ketchup, salt and pepper. Using a fork, mix together well. Heat the canola oil in a nonstick griddle or large nonstick frying pan over medium-high heat. Alternately, spray the griddle or pan with pan spray. When you can feel the heat while holding your hand just above griddle or pan, cook the patties for five minutes on each side.

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