
Green bean

Flavorful creamy broth, with fresh green beans, potatoes and bacon, make this a great soup year round, but especially when you have those green bean garden green beans! After posting this recipe in July of 2015, it went bonkers!

It’s been so well received, and pinned so many times! I have had many readers write to me telling me just how much they love it, too. Of course, when you can pick the beans right from your garden, this soup is extra special, but living in the midwest, that isn’t the case. These days, though, fresh green beans in the produce section a the grocery have been really good. So, we eat this soup year round.

That makes my youngest son very happy! Today when I updated this post, I also added a recipe video, so you could see how it’s done! We eat soup year round in our house. It’s one of our most favorite meals. The best part of this particular recipe is making it when the green beans are fresh from the garden, or your local farmer’s market. This soup recipe is from my Mother-in-law, and was my husband’s favorite growing up. It was one, that I have never made in our 24 years of marriage.

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