
Green apple pickle

Learn how to make and can the best homemade Sweet Pickle Relish in this easy canning recipe. It’s quick and satisfying to make green apple pickle own DIY canned foods to stock the pantry.

It’s quick and satisfying to make your own DIY canned foods to stock the pantry. Making relish is a great way to use the fresh cucumbers, peppers and onions you grew in your summer garden. If you didn’t plant cucumber plants this year, pick up some crunchy cucumbers at the grocery store or Farmer’s Market to make this simple recipe. It’s a great time to experiment with new things in the kitchen like canning, which can help you preserve that abundant harvest. Step 4: Salt and Soak Veggies. Step 7: Pack Relish Into Jars. Step 8: Process Jars in Water Bath Canner.

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