
Food that start with m

Path to improved health You should keep your food diary with you throughout the day. If you want to keep track on  paper, select a notebook that will fit in your purse, food that start with m, or pocket so you can carry it with you all the time.

There are also many apps that can keep track of your food and drink. Ask your doctor for recommendations on the one best for you. Once you have your diary, you should log several pieces of information in it each time you eat and drink. List the amount of the food and drink you consume each time. Write down the type of food and drink. Be as specific as you can.

Don’t forget to write down extras, such as toppings, sauces, dressings, or condiments. Examples include butter, ketchup, or sugar. Keep track of the time of day you eat and drink. Make note of where you eat and drink.

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