
Flounder fish

I use flounder in this recipe, but any fish fillets can be prepared flounder fish this tasty coating. It’s quick and easy when time is short. In another shallow bowl, beat egg whites and milk. Coat fish with cornmeal mixture, then dip into egg white mixture.

Coat fish again in cornmeal mixture. 8-10 minutes or until fish flakes easily with a fork. Diabetic Exchanges: 5 lean meat, 1 starch. Although his business was a success, his marriage was floundering.

Learn the words you need to communicate with confidence. She floundered around in the water. His business was flourishing, but his marriage was floundering. The examination of flounders for additional macro- and microparasites was undertaken in conjunction with the examination for metacercarial cysts. In addition, the different feeding habits employed by flounders in the upper and middle estuary affect this parameter to a certain extent.

Categories: Old Cookbook