
Dinner easy meals

00743 11 40 C 11 55. dinner easy meals 69 40 69 C 47. This post may contain affiliate links. 4 breakfast menus, 4 lunch menus, and 12 dinner menus all with recipes.

This is a great resource to make entertaining house guests easy! Whether it is for the holidays or just a long weekend, there will be a time when you have a house full of guests. A big part of preparing for those guests is meal planning. What am I going to feed all those people! Having house guests for the holidays or for a long weekend? Let me guide you thru stress-free planning and preparing, with MENU IDEAS and RECIPES. 4 lunch menus, 12 dinner menus, including drink and dessert recipes!

Well, let me help you know what to feed your house guests with a few practical tips, menus and recipes. Do not get overwhelmed, taking it step by step and making a plan will make this so much easier. Plan ahead for each meal- this way you will not wake up in the morning and realize that you only planned for dinners and you have nothing but Cheerios without milk, and coffee for breakfast. Plan at least one meal out, especially if your guests are staying for a  long time.

Make what you can ahead of time. Even if it is a snack, dessert, wine, or a specialty cocktail, accept the help. First, plan for how many meals your guests will be staying with you. Then, if there are any special events when you will be eating out, remove those from your list. Next, go thru and plan what you will have for each meal. Try to plan a few easy things that can be made ahead, some things that can be store-bought that do not require any prep, and the rest homemade.

Make sure to include any snacks that you will want to have in the house during their stay. Also, if this is an adult occasion, think about drinks too. Then, make grocery lists that are extremely detailed. Go thru each recipe and write down all the items you need to purchase that you do not already have. Make sure to add those snacks and drinks! Now, head to the grocery store completely prepared and armed with your list! Here are a few recipes and meal ideas to make planning for and having house guests a breeze!

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