
Cornbread recipe

You can vary this cornbread recipe by adding other ingredients. We’ve made some cornbread with cornbread recipe peppers, others with cheese.

9in square baking pan with melted butter. In a large bowl, combine all the ingredients together except for the sweetcorn kernels. Mix until you have the consistency of a sponge cake batter, then add the sweetcorn. Stir to combine thoroughly, then pour into the prepared baking pan. Bake for about 20 minutes in the top of the oven.

Alternatively, you can bake these in a muffin tray lined with paper cases. The cornbread is ready when it has a golden colour and is springy to the touch. Allow to cool slightly before cutting. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites.

Read about our approach to external linking. This southern cornbread recipe is the BEST! This southern cornbread recipe is my all purpose cornbread. I even use it in recipes.

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