
Cinnamon canela molida

The coconut fell to the cinnamon canela molida right beside us. El coco cayó al suelo justo al lado nuestro.

The ground here is rich in colour and minerals. El suelo aquí es rico en color y minerales. La tierra aquí es rica en color y minerales. During the search, we need to cover all the ground – the whole area. Durante la búsqueda necesitamos abarcar todo el terreno. The grounds of the mansion extended to the river. El terreno de la mansión se extiende hasta el río.

We used to play football on the old school sports ground. Solíamos jugar fútbol en el viejo campo de deportes de la escuela. On what grounds do you base your conclusions? The judge said she had no grounds to believe he would reoffend. Sobre qué bases fundamentas tus conclusiones? The plot of this novel might seem far-fetched, but the author grounded it in fact.

La trama de esta novela parece un poco inverosímil, pero el autor la basó en hechos reales. The tennis pro grounded his students in the basics. El tenista profesional les dio conocimientos básicos a sus estudiantes. His parents grounded him for two weeks. Sus padres lo castigaron sin salir por dos semanas. Ursula tipped the ground coffee beans into the pot.

The ground beef was made into hamburgers. US electrical plugs have two live pins and one ground. Los enchufes eléctricos de los EE. Tienen dos varillas y una toma de tierra. Normalmente en plural con este significado. There were always some grounds left in the bottom of her coffee cup.

Siempre quedan posos en el fondo de su taza de café. The ship grounded on a sand bar. His argument was grounded in his belief in God. The plane was grounded because of mechanical problems. El avión se dejó en tierra debido a un fallo mecánico. This connection grounds the device to keep it from shocking you.

Esta conexión pone a tierra el aparato para evitar que sufras una descarga. The ship was grounded on a desert island. Se hizo encallar al barco en una isla desierta. The quarterback grounded the ball to stop the play.

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