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Try our Symptom Checker Got any other symptoms? Upgrade to Patient Pro Medical Professional? To describe how I’m feeling as a lot of people don’t understand. I’best smash cakes near me suffering with really bad tiredness with it I just want to sleep all the time I’m not interested in anything or motivated I just feel trapped in this little glass bubble wanting someone to smash it I want to wake up one day and feel normal.

Please get your Vitamin D levels checked. I went through every single feeling you described. I went to the hospital and everything came back fine. Vitamin D has plays a huge role in our mental health. Definitely going to get my vit D levels checked. I know it was interferring with my life too.

I couldnt take it anymore, I couldnt sleep at night because when I closed my eyes I would see things and my mind would start going CRAZY! One day I didnt even want to lift my arm to grab my fork to eat. Other days I felt like I was watching myself like I was there but I wasnt really there. I would have the worst chest pains! My heart felt like it was beating so fast. I knew there had to be something more then just anxiety.

Dont get me wrong, Im still someone that worries constantly, BUT I no longer have the physical pain or detachment from reality. Thank you ever so much I really appreciate it you’ve really helped me out. Just nice to know I’m not the only one going through this! What kind of vitamin D do you take? Is your vitamin D low as well? I was getting stressed with work and school and lifeI got very stomach sick then cold sick then stomach sick again. When that happens to me I know my anxiety is taking s turn for the worse I was losing energy by the min once I decided to take time off work, soon i could barely take a few steps without stoping for the day .

So then I decided to go back on meds . I know what you mean I worry about taking vitamins as well. I’ve jush had my Vitamin D checked but I took multivitamins a few days before now I’m worried nothing will show up cos I had vitamin D lol. Hoping it went out my system by then so they can find the cause of why I’m feeling the way I am.

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