
Best pork chop marinade

A great pork chop marinade that will make your pork best pork chop marinade juicy with a terrific savoury flavour and a gorgeous caramelised crust without overpowering the natural flavour of pork. Even 1 hour of marinating makes a remarkable difference!

Just a great pork chop marinade You know when something hits the pan and it smells so great than even if it’s the first time you’ve made that recipe, you know it’s going to be a winner? Plus, the added bonus is that there is a very good chance that all the ingredients are already in your pantry. I never spell that right first go! I hear some of you think, dubiously.

I spell it, auto correct does not like that word! If you’ve never tried a soy sauce based brine for a protein before, I think you’re going to be very pleasantly surprised. I press down on the pork chop to show how juicy it is. That’s courtesy of the soy sauce! I’m sharing this Pork Chop Marinade because I got all excited that I finally got a new BBQ. Living by the ocean means that anything that resides outdoors has a limited life and my current BBQ looks like an abandoned burnt out car. While it’s terrific seared on the grill, it is of course great pan fried as well which is how I usually make it.

If you’re BBQ-ing, try it this Lemon Potato Salad and a garden salad with French Dressing, and have a browse for more Grilling Ideas. My favourite back-pocket marinades These are the ones I use over and over again, made with pantry staples with lots of sub options! Watch how to make it Recipe video for this great Pork Chop Marinade! Subscribe to my newsletter and follow along on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram for all of the latest updates. This marinade will make any pork chops or steak extra juicy as well as infusing it with great savoury flavour and a touch of sweet.

Soy sauce is the secret ingredient – it does not taste the least bit “Asiany” or soy saucey. Massage to coat in the Marinade. Take the chops out of the fridge 20 minutes before cooking. Brush BBQ grill or drizzle oil in pan, heat on medium high. Baste both sides with residual marinade in ziplock bag, then cook the basted side for 30 seconds before serving.

Transfer chops to a plate, cover loosely with foil. Rest for 3 minutes before serving. Chops: I used thick, bone in pork chops that were just under 2. Thin chops – 3 minutes first side, 2 minutes second side, then 30 seconds on each side for basting. Thick chops – 4 minutes first side, 3 minutes second side, then 45 seconds on each side.

Once you put the chops on the BBQ, DON’T TOUCH IT! Once it is cooked, it will release naturally from the grills. If it sticks, it’s not ready to turn. If your chops are cooking too quickly and start to burn because of the sugar in the marinade, turn the heat down.

Remember, these chops are meant to have a gorgeous chargrilled crust! Place in bowl, sprinkle generously with salt and pepper. Originally posted August 2017, photos replaced in May 2018, some tidying up done in February 2019, no change to recipe. I love hearing how you went with my recipes! Life of Dozer This is what a doggie smile looks like! I believe you can make great food with everyday ingredients even if you’re short on time and cost conscious.

You just need to cook clever and get creative! Join my free email list to receive THREE free cookbooks! Maple Ham Glaze – glazed ham om a platter, ready to be carved. The most incredible baked ham ever! Notify me via e-mail if anyone answers my comment. I did regular mustard rather than dijon and tasted great!

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