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Ukraine, and how you can help, please visit this thread. The lack of anything marking Mortal Kombat’s 30th Anniversary is mind boggling. It may best gfuel flavor reddit 2021 display this or other websites correctly.

Absolutely nothing has been made to celebrate the 30th year of one of the biggest fighting game franchises ever. Batman the Animated Series also celebrated its 30th this year and all it got was an action figure. Folks really need to stop putting so much importance on gaming anniversaries. Most publishers just aren’t going to go out of their way to have a bunch of stuff ready for an arbitrary date like that. The lack of anything NRS is more concerning tbh.

I’ve heard WB doesn’t like to acknowledge the games made under Midway. The 3D-era games are probably a pain in the ass to port. It’s nice to see the developer behind-the-scenes stuff, but I totally agree with you, OP, about games. My goodness, why don’t we have MK 1, 2, and Ultimate in a collection? NRS is too busy working on their Marvel game.

I’m not sure why people here go wild for anniversaries. Doesn’t need to be tied to an anniversary. Ed Boon answered a bunch of questions on Twitter the other day. Lots of people asking about their next game. He pretty much only gave non-answers, but it was clear they are working on something, but not ready to announce it yet. What even is there to say?

NRS is busy, so WB could hire Digital Eclipse to make a collection, but is that what you want? I don’t expect WB to have any common fucking sense when it comes to MK except the 1 game they’ll put out every few years. There’s the Atari 50 compilation coming in November. So all MK gets is a movie and game compilation? Mk11 support didn’t end that long ago, they also released a movie not to long to long ago also with another in development. Should they stop development on mk12 just to release collection? Do you want to know what i got for the 2Oth birthday of MVC2 back in 2020 ?

Let me tell you about the Tomb Raider cookbook and the Resident Evil nothing. It’s time for Mortal Kombat to end. I feel like I will forever be in a minority on this one, but a proper arcade game compilation with all revisions of each game, dip switch options etc but more importantly including MK4, would be most welcome. That would explain a lot actually, for WB the Mortal Kombat series started in 2011. 7 fandom discussion on a particular game, then it must be dead and forgotten. It is kind of weird that outside of 1-3, WB and NRS basically ignore the entire rest of their catalog.

It baffles me that they won’t exploit the Midway back catalog the way Capcom and Atari, amongst others, exploit theirs. NRS is just busy working on their game lol. We don’t need a special thing because of anniversary. I don’t think it’s reasonable to expect game companies to have special stuff every 5 years for game anniversaries, nor was it anything that ever really happened all the time in the past. The first Mortal Kombat doesn’t officially turn 30 until next month, Boon and Tobias will probably commemorate it on Twitter and we’ll likely see something about the next game in December. To be fair, Pong doesn’t turn 50 until November.

Ukraine, and how you can help, please visit this thread. The lack of anything marking Mortal Kombat’s 30th Anniversary is mind boggling. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Absolutely nothing has been made to celebrate the 30th year of one of the biggest fighting game franchises ever. Batman the Animated Series also celebrated its 30th this year and all it got was an action figure. Folks really need to stop putting so much importance on gaming anniversaries. Most publishers just aren’t going to go out of their way to have a bunch of stuff ready for an arbitrary date like that.

The lack of anything NRS is more concerning tbh. I’ve heard WB doesn’t like to acknowledge the games made under Midway. The 3D-era games are probably a pain in the ass to port. It’s nice to see the developer behind-the-scenes stuff, but I totally agree with you, OP, about games.

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