
Aussie pie company

Hundreds of thousands of consumer reviews help you compare Canstar Blue is one of Australia’s best-known and respected comparison websites. For the past 11 years, aussie pie company’ve been helping Aussies make better-informed decisions on purchasing over 300 different goods and services.

We regularly ask average Australians how they rate their experience with more than 1,000 service providers and brands as part of our satisfaction ratings on everything from grocery items to home appliances and even new cars. We commission respected professional market research company Qualtrics, to ask consumers about their experiences with purchased products or services. Australians, with our professional research being representative of the Australian population. It’s also a point of pride that we make sure anyone surveyed has used their product or service over a substantial period of time, so you know that each of our ratings is more than just a first impression.

After some data crunching, we determine a winner and release these reviews here on canstarblue. In addition to our customer satisfaction ratings, we also produce our own expert rankings based on specific methodologies and maintain price comparison tables for the latest phone, internet and energy plans, helping you find the best deal. So, start comparing by going to the top menu to find a category you’re interested in, or search for it in the top search box. See our FAQ page for more detail on who we are and what we do.

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