
Apple cider vinegar wart removal

Medically reviewed by Debra Sullivan, Ph. We include products we think are useful for apple cider vinegar wart removal readers.

If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. Those hard, bumpy, rough growths we call warts can happen anywhere on the body. They’re transmitted by casual contact, so they’re most common on the hands, fingers, face, and feet. There are over 100 types of HPV, and only a small number of those viruses cause warts. Below we look at the types of warts most likely to happen on your fingers and 12 different ways to remove them.

Hands and fingers are particularly vulnerable to infection. There are several types of warts which occur in these areas. Knowing which kind of wart you have can help you in treating it. They range in size from very tiny, like a poppy seed, to pea-sized. Common warts have a rough, scaly texture, and are hard to the touch. They vary in color and can be white, tan, pink, grey, or flesh-toned. Sometimes, tiny clotted blood vessels that look like black dots can be visible in a common wart.

It’s not known if the virus that causes these warts is inherently found in animals, or if raw animal products are a good conduit for people to transmit the virus to each other. They are very tiny in size. Flat warts can appear in small-to-large clusters, looking like many tiny pinheads. These types of warts are smooth to the touch, flat on top, and slightly raised. They can be flesh-toned, pinkish, or yellowish-brown in color. If these warts appear in a cluster, they are referred to as mosaic warts. They’re usually the size of a pea and vary in color from flesh-toned to pink, or dark brown.

Both start out tiny, around the size of a poppy seed, but grow in size. These warts also tend to spread, forming clusters. They may be more likely to occur in people who bite their nails and hangnails. If left untreated, these warts can spread deep under the nail bed, causing fungal infection and permanent damage. Periungual and subungual warts require professional treatment to remove, and may be harder to eliminate than other types of warts. There are a lot of different techniques for removing warts.

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