
Anzac cookies

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Golden Syrup is anzac cookies you may not have heard of unless you’re into British baking.

But it’s an indispensable ingredient when it comes to making a number of traditional British recipes. It has a deep caramelized, buttery flavor and has been a kitchen staple in Great Britain for over a century. It’s also popular in Australia and New Zealand. You’ve probably see the the iconic green and gold cans of Lyle’s Golden Syrup.

In 2006 it made history when it was entered into the Guinness World Book of Records for having the world’s oldest branding and packaging. The design and appearance of the cans have remained consistent for nearly 140 years. In more recent years Lyle’s has also made their product available in squeeze bottles for convenience to use at the table. The ingredients, the process, the flavor and the texture are different. Golden syrup is made from sugar whereas corn syrup is made from corn and they are made using different processes. In contrast, golden syrup is thicker and has very deep caramelized, buttery, and complex flavor notes. There is no equivalent in the U.

How Do You Use Golden Syrup? Golden syrup is very versatile and historically has been used in both sweet and savory applications though today it’s mostly used in baking and desserts. Anything that calls for corn syrup can be substituted with golden syrup for a far superior flavor. As one example, try it in your next pecan pie to take it to a whole new and incredible flavor level! And it can be used as a substitute for any liquid sweetener.

But if you prefer you can also half this recipe. Put the sugar and water in a heavy-bottomed saucepan, stir to combine, and bring to a boil, stirring regularly to prevent burning, and stir very gently to avoid splashing the liquid up the sides of the saucepan. Gently stir in the lemon juice. DO NOT STIR the syrup again. Let it gently simmer until it is a rich amber color.

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